Praise song for today or remembering who you are

What does it look like

To allow your soul

To be?

To manifest with ease?

Everything that works together

For you good?

Where does that place of power and light live in you body?

Does it even know your name these days? Of course it does. Because it never forgot you. It never will.

How can you reclaim the wonder of bull frogs and pine cones? The miracle of ring around the rosy and the taste of spring’s first sour grass?

Do you remember the canyon that you thought was the largest in the world only to find it a little ditch on the side of the road years later?

Back then you held onto the edge so afraid of falling.

And then you did .

Many times over the edge…

What has caught you if not wonder

And pine needles?

How does G-/ know you will always pause to look at the clouds

Looking for weather and omens that you can’t understand?

Remember when you use to wish upon a star with the neighborhood kids after a long day of fussing, fighting and fantastic play…you would all pause with your dusty bike handle bars cradled in your bony arms and your eyes watching G-/ light the first soft light.

Remember Your heart reaching beyond what it knew and still hoping beyond hope that you would survive and see that which you only heard about?

And you have touched the promised land of dreams and blessings so many times.

You know what you know…That the earth hears us and cradles the dreams of children’s faith in her own heart.

So pause in this canyon. On this edge/ stand on and for her…

Look at her stars , touch her weathered walls and breathe in her watery hope at your feet.

Let the knowing release you and your heart. All you need is right here…Stars dancing on eight year old’s bike, soft pattens of beautiful color thanking the sky.