

I am obsessed with this chili

I made it last night in my big dutch oven that I got when I got my first apartment.

it was part of a set of pans that one of my old boyfriend’s mother’s got for me.

it was kind gesture. I just was not ready for it and neither was that situation.

I made some bad soups. I didn’t know about timing and patience.

or that

you can’t have good soup without a good foundation.

you have to cut things down, sweat things out. let things fall apart, be and come together.

blend parts and let others be chunky.

season to taste.

sometimes no matter how hard you try those elements won’t come together. so you eat what you can and throw the rest down the disposal or compost.

and that’s okay.

we keep trying.’

eventually, maybe with a lot of help , one will find a recipe that works.

or cook something else. that works, too.

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