memory / writing


I am obsessed with this chili I made it last night in my big dutch oven that I got when I got my first apartment. it was part of a set of pans that one of my old boyfriend’s mother’s got for me. it was kind gesture. I just was not ready for it and neither was that situation. I […]

tinyhappy / writing

quite lovely

my Felicity Jane order came in Friday. the packaging is absolutely gorgeous and the supplies are so lovely that it really got me thinking about my other supplies. So I did a big clean out of my studio area today. it was exhausting because I had the bright idea that I could do it with two littles underfoot and also […]

creative practice / self compassion / writing

bits and pieces of creativity & life

“Manifest plainness,Embrace simplicity,Reduce selfishness,Have few desires” — lao tzu         *note: all images except the cut magazine images (in the collages parts) are mine. the magazine images are from old issues of art journal magazine, click magazine and the woman is from an unknown source(found on the Internets (if you know the source, please share)…i will try […]

tinyhappy / writing

in love

I crave words but not my own. I want to make beautiful things but I don’t know what that means I got a “star is born” soundtrack on actual cd… there are songs on there that break my heart I like holding music in my hands my tea this morning steeped too long and the honey couldn’t save it green […]

self compassion / writing

tiny happy: keep the faith and do the good

this week has been about trying to keep it simple and self-care. I made some really bad broth and read a lot of pride and prejudice fan fiction…put out a few or lot of disagreements between the littles…voted…made a few hot toddies and tried to keep my head about me with all the crazy news. keep the faith and do […]

artjournaling / creative practice / self compassion / writing

good for my soul.

I recently counted my art journals. well, the ones I could find and discovered I had completed about 20 or so. that is so crazy to me. TBH, I have been awful at photographing and flipping through them but hopefully, I will improve on that front soon. seeing these stacks reminded me how far I have come and that this […]

artjournaling / creative practice / writing

art ramblings and voice

this evening,  i finally made it to my studio. i am not painting much (or at all) these days. i don’t know why. i find myself mostly drawn to collage, markers and writing. it seems simple and i hope sustainable. so, i culled my working notebooks even more. i feel almost notebook naked working with just a handful of notebooks. […]


what matters

one thing these past few weeks and months have taught me is that life is most certainty not a’s most certainly not about who is watching and what they like. it’s not about perfection or 5 steps to whatever…. you can do everything right and still it all falls apart. you can want someone to live and they die. […]

self compassion / writing

rising with mystery

these past few weeks have been all over the road emotionally, mentally and physically. i’ve not tried to contain or explain them (in great depth) but i have tried to be honest with myself about what is happening. one thing that keeps coming up is my “need” to control all the things and the fact that i have very little […]