creative practice / list

winter thangs

it’s school holidays. all regularly scheduled programs need adjustments. my thoughts are simple these days. cooking and sibling joys and tensions. the cat playing with my toes (rudely). feelings being felt. this time of year brings it all up. i am not where i thought i would be in some areas and i have to let myself be okay with […]

Personal - null / self compassion / selflove / writing

pleasure principle

sometimes, I catch myself being harsh and punishing to myself for the most mundane of things. you know, being human… a wonderfully imperfect and slow mess…glorious things, really. I am wondering how I can drop that story of the need to fix and punish and instead embrace the mess and nurture what matters–me, the human. I mean, this is the […]

creative practice / self compassion / selflove


Sometimes you just need to take your time to get quiet and look around. The bounty can be dazzling. The things we can receive with little effort—bird songs, herbs, flowers, big skies (sunny or moody). The small cup I planned to catch it all could never contain all there was to gather this today. I hope that feeling of being […]

selflove / writing

bustle enough

bustling, is the word. the word I would use to describe this late summer, early fall season. a time of regaining, restoring and nurturing. tBH, I love fall. I got married in the fall and had my first baby in the fall. enjoyed all three of my little as wee babes in early fall morning with a cup of something […]

creative practice / memory

Trees I have loved

Sometimes it’s a memory that puts you back in the frame of mind to receive The goodness and give thanks that it has found you again. Drawing imaginary worlds from real Hearts is beautiful Prayer.

creative practice / selflove

Making and loving

So I have been playing around. With no expectation or goal. Just joy. And it works for me. I think no matter what I want my work to feel joyful like visual lemonade to my soul. Yes there are parts that may read like flavored cod live oil (my version of a bad drink) but let it mostly read like […]

Personal - null / self compassion


There is nothing to prove You don’t have to get it perfect to be worthy of your deepest dreams Your blessings and your love are connected to the infinite heart of mercy. let it whirl upon your lip and drip into your heart full of its grace. Give thanks for the flood of sunshine and flowers They don’t belong to […]