

I am on the home stretch of nano. I don’t want to jinx myself because I can’t even believe it myself but I am excited. yes, my manuscript is a hot mess and a half but I don’t care. it is poetry and prose. short story and no story. it is a mess but my goal is to get it […]

memory / writing


I am checking the forecast who,e the tea kettle readies itself to boil. The toddler and the cat are having a wee disagreement about who should sit on the top of the couch, the answer is really neither but I pick my battles.I have been working on national novel writing project. I thought it was going to be a novel […]


the point

from 2017– somewhere along the way, i internalized the idea that it was better to be opinion-less, emotionless, and benign. somewhere, i got the notion that these things would keep me protected, safe and powerful. of course, this is a nice lie. it sounds good in our head but usually has nothing to really do with us and love and […]


Stitches and verses

so.I set up a little stitching situation in an old pencil case. It’s a little janky because one of the hinges is messed up but it serves its purpose alright.I also, I cleared off my desk and gave myself a bit of mental space…I am pondering if I want to do a very tame version of national novel writing month. […]

art / writing


Being mindful in our creative practice, by actively choosing to prioritize the space and time for ourselves, brings attention to our internal core. Focusing on even just one thing makes us slow down a little from the rush of everyday life. Mindful making is about more than simply stitching or knitting something beautiful it is about learning how to bring […]

art / selflove / writing

this is art, too

the truth is I can’t keep up. I don’t know how I use to paint every night when the toddler was a baby. maybe it was just excitement but lately, I can really go ages without picking up a paintbrush. I am sort of relieved that it is not an obsession anymore and also perplexed. I wonder if I am […]

memory / writing

morning light

most mornings. I like to– to the watch the trees dance. their lives outside my window. sometimes- I go out and breathe them in. let the wind cup my face like a long lost lover. this morning- I woke up singing a song that I have forgotten the words to…but know the melody by heart. it’s in my head and […]

memory / writing

hope in my hands

I’ve been at it again. collecting books from the library that I really have no time to read. I really can’t help it though. stacks of books are like a comfort food for me. I think it’s because growing up I was surrounded by them. I can remember the first time I went to the public library in my town. […]

art / memory / writing

and the sun was shining, too

I am writing this with a face full of sunshine. it has been an early morning. I actually went to bed at a decent time and woke up with the sunrise and had some dandy blend and a apple. I did some meditation and a bit of sketching. then started listening to a podcast and stitching. If you know anything […]

art / writing

thoughts on gathering inspiration and/or supplies with intention

I have taken quite a few Jeanie Oliver classes and in all of them she mentions gathering your inspiration and/or material. it’s always beautiful and interesting to watch but honestly, I never really did it for myself. lately, I have been trying to simplify my process and work with more intention….so I am (finally) giving the whole gathering thing a […]